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Upgrading Dependencies

This is the process we use to upgrade dependencies. This should approximately once per week to ensure we safely apply all of the latest security patches and upgrades.


This document assumes basic familiarity with NPM dependencies, how package.json and package-lock.json work, and the difference between npm install and npm ci.

Medplum is a monorepo using npm workspaces. That means there is one shared node_modules for all subprojects.

As a convention, we pin all dependency versions in package.json.


First, run the script in the project root directory:


This runs npm-check-updates for the parent project and all subprojects, updating all dependency versions.

Second, apply any exceptions noted below. Some package upgrades are known to be incompatible for various reasons, and they must be addressed manually.

Third, reinstall the package dependencies using the script in the project root directory:


This purges the node_modules directory and package-lock.json file, and reinstalls all dependencies. This may sound extreme, but it is a consistent method to ensure reproducible behavior, and avoid configuration drift.

Fourth, run a full build and test using the script in the project root directory:


This cleans, builds, tests, and lints all subprojects. Given our strict TypeScript configuration and high test coverage, a passing build typically indicates a high level of confidence that the upgrades were successful.

Finally, run the server and the app for a basic sanity check. While we do have high test coverage, it is not 100%, and tests cannot cover everything. It may take an extra few minutes, but it is always better to be sure.

If all of these steps complete successfully, then prepare a PR for a review.

Congratulations, you upgraded dependencies.


This is a list of dependencies that have known issues with automated upgrades.


At the time of this writing, we use node-fetch version 2.6.7. The developers of node-fetch have admirably taken the position that ESM-only libs are the future. The version 3 series is ESM-only. Unfortunately, our current server configuration is not yet compatible with ESM-only modules (despite many attempts).

Therefore, for now, we keep node-fetch pinned at the latest version in the version 2 series, which continues to receive security fixes.

In the future, there are 2 possibilities:

  • As the ESM ecosystem matures, we eventually support an ESM-only dependency.
  • For completely unrelated reasons (i.e., upload progress monitoring), we may move to Axios, which would eliminate this exception entirely.